Takenaka (竹中, Takenaka), also known as Principal Takenaka (竹中 校長 Takenaka kōchō) is the main authority of Sarayashiki Junior High, the junior high of Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara and Keiko Yukimura.
Takenaka is a somewhat portly man in his late 40's or early 50's and has dark blond hair and brown eyes. He wears a beige or light brown suit with a blue necktie.
Takenaka is the honest and fair principal of Sarayashiki Junior High (though in the manga he was just a guidance counselor, while an unnamed bald man was displayed as the principal). He can be somewhat rough with the students, but is more respected by Yusuke and Kuwabara than other authority figures. He cares deeply for his students and mourned for Yusuke when he died early in the series. He was not able to bring himself to praise Yusuke for the brave act that led to his death because of what he saw as Yusuke's lost potential. When he realized that teachers Akashi and Iwamoto were attempting to force Okubo to quit his job, even cheating to do so, Takenaka made sure that Okubo was able to continue to support his family.
While most people were frightened when they saw Yusuke alive, Takenaka, on the other hand, treated him normally as if nothing had happened and told him to get to class. Even so, Takenaka has high hopes that Yusuke will reform and become at least a little concerned in his own studies. He was wounded during Suzaku's attack on the Human World, but Kuwabara confirms he had completely recovered and soon returned to his normal work routine.