YuYu Hakusho Wiki

Spirit Gun Mega (超霊丸) is the most powerful version of the Spirit Gun. It is more powerful and has an incalculable destructive capacity.


The whole basis of the Spirit Gun Mega is identical to the Spirit Gun. Yusuke's technique forms exactly as per usual. He continues to focus energy making it grow and he continues to focus until it reaches a critical mass, and then he pulls an imaginary trigger which releases into a cannonball of pure energy.

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As the technique gives way, it is very similar to the Spirit Gun during the training process, but when it reaches critical mass, its size expands to a sphere of blue energy, greater than the actual whole body of Yusuke.

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Effects and Power[]

Compared to the Spirit Gun, this technique is a lot more powerful than the original Spirit Gun. When the energy reaches a target, it can potentially kill and generate a powerful atomic level blast, completely destroying both the target and the region. Energy forms in the shape of a dome that expands many square miles, then explodes in a mushroom cloud of smoke. When used against Yomi, the energy completely destroyed the place, causing profound damage to the rock structure of the region, and creating holes and cracks in its wake, as well as waterfalls and seas of fire as a result of it being enhanced by both Spirit and Demon Energy. It is virtually impossible to stop this technique, as it was shown that the Demon Energy Absorption Wall of Yomi was easily destroyed, since Yusuke enhanced the attack with both Spirit and Demon Energy. When used against Younger Toguro, he was able to hold and squeeze the ball. However, even managing to defend himself, the physical damage of the attack resulted in his death.


Collateral Effects[]

A major problem with this technique is that it requires all the energy from the user. Therefore, it can cause physical and energetic problems, such as prolonged pain, loss of energy, loss of spiritual awareness and potentially death. This technique usually disables the opponent. After using it, Yusuke usually loses consciousness for a few moments, or is too weak to continue the fight, due to extreme stress. Fortunately, Yusuke learned to work around this after his rebirth with Mazoku blood, since he got a huge amount of Spirit and Demon Energy.
