Human World (人間界, lit. Ningenkai) is the world where humans live. It is also where the story of YuYu Hakusho first begins & where most of the events occur on the planet Earth. Inhabitants include: Yusuke Urameshi, Atsuko Urameshi, Keiko Yukimura, Takenaka, Kazuma Kuwabara, Shizuru Kuwabara , Shuichi Minamino, Shiori Minamino, Genkai etc.
- Sarayashiki Jr. High: The school which Keiko, Kuwabara and Yusuke attend.
- Kasanegafuchi Jr. High (Kazenaga in the English dub): Rival school of Sarayashiki Jr. High, in which the thugs who kidnapped Kuwabara's kitten attend.
- Rugafuji Jr. High
- Iwamano Jr. High: The middle school that Yusuke's old friend Suekichi attends.
- 'Meiou 'High: The school that Kurama/Shuichi Minamino and Yu Kaito attend.
- Kaidan (translates to "ghost story"): The name of the shopping center and neighborhood where Yusuke and Keiko live.
- Mushiyori City (translates to "outbreak of bugs"): City that is the epicenter of the Demon World tunnel's creation.
- Demon's Door Cave: A large series of natural caverns located on the outskirts of Mushiyori City. A dark cave rife with urban legends and rumors of being a popular suicide point, Demon's Door is the true epicenter of the Demon World Tunnel outbreak, its features and labyrinthine layout burrowing below Mushiyori.
- Hanging Neck Island: Location where the Dark Tournament takes place.
- Hotel Kubikukuri: The luxurious facility for Dark Tournament participants which is also frequented by numerous high-paying human guests.
- Yojigen (translates to "4 dimensions"): The name of the mansion where Kido, Yana, and Kaitou take Yusuke and challenge his friends with various tasks to get him back.
- Yurei Manor (translates to "Courtesy Manor" with Yurei also meaning ghost): Where Yusuke originally lived at the beginning of the series.
- Genkai's Temple: Genkai's residence and dojo & the site of the Disciple Selection Trials, located on her expansive land.
- It is the only one of the three realms to be almost entirely ignorant of the other two.
- It is unknown how demons manage to kidnap humans to eat without causing panic in this world.