Gokumonki (獄門鬼, Gokumonki) serves as a member of the Triad which is an elite unit of the Apparition Gang, a demon mercenary team led by the Toguro Brothers. In the Filipino adaptation, he is called Goliath.
Gokumonki is a giant, red-skinned, red-haired, ogre who wore only a grass skirt and wields a giant, iron spiked club.
He holds no honor in a fight and preferred to capture Botan and hold her hostage instead of fighting Yusuke and Kuwabara. It is also implied that he is not very intelligent, as he heard Yusuke instruct Botan to slip out of her jacket, but did nothing to stop her. In the manga however, as he was defeated more quickly his personality was never established.
He was the final Triad member that Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Botan faced off against in their attempt to rescue Yukina, Hiei's sister from crime boss Tarukane, who was attempting to force Yukina to cry in order to harvest her tears which solidified into extremely valuable jewels. Gokumonki captured Botan and used her as a hostage before Botan, at Yusuke's suggestion, raised her arms and slipped out of her jacket. This allowed Gokumonki to be knocked out by a double flying kick delivered by both Yusuke and Kuwabara. In the manga however, since Botan did not accompany Yusuke and Kuwabara to Tarukane's mansion, the two defeated him more quickly before he could introduce himself with a single strike to the face similar to how he was defeated in the anime.
His fellow Triad members were the demons Miyuki and Inmaki.
He makes a cameo reappearance in the manga along with his partners as the ones who recruit Genkai for her second Dark Tournament. In the anime, these three are hooded but have similar figures, so it is likely to be them.
- In the English dub, he calls himself "Demon Three" within the Triad. This may or may not have special significance.
- His name, "Gokumonki", is a clear reference to Son Wukong from Journey to the West, known as "Son Goku" in Japan. The Dragon Ball series created by Akira Toriyama is heavily inspired by Journey to the West, of which the anime adaptation was also dubbed in English by Funimation. Gokumonki's English actor Jeremy Inman, in addition to voicing Suzuki and Gouki, played Android 16 in the dub of Dragon Ball Z.
e v | The Triad | |
Members: | Miyuki | Inmaki | Gokumonki |