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The Doctor's Disease is the seventh episode of season 3 of YuYu Hakusho. It aired on March 19, 1994 in Japan and September 11, 2004 in the United States.

Short Summary[]

While Kuwabara, Kurama, Kaito, and Botan survey the cave, Yusuke's group goes to the hospital after Murota was injured by Sniper and runs afoul of Doctor, who creates a mysterious poison that incapacitates both Yana and Murota.

Detailed Summary[]

Yusuke, Genkai, Yama, Kido, and Murota are in the waiting room of a hospital waiting on Murota to get his wound examined. While waiting they begin discussing the events that led them here. Murota explains what he heard when he read Sensui's mind. He is able to name the seven psychics on Sensui's side. Game Master, Black Angel, Gatekeeper, Seaman, Doctor, Sniper, Gourmet. The overwhielming urge for death from Sensui and the general danger of situation put Murota on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Another territory is felt opening by the group. They deduce that being in a hospital, Doctor, is most likely the psychic near by. The group decides to attempt to form a circle to be sure they aren't snuck up on. Before they can react Yana and Murota are bitten by insects that sudden turn them ill. Genkai sees that they aren't the same insects around the city. Murota relays that he could hear Doctor's thoughts and that they have been infected with a virus. In an attempt to stop Doctor before he can infect the hospital, Genkai, Yusuke, and Kido run off to search.

While headed down the hallway, the three decide they may need to split up. Genkai's straight faced concern of crippling civilians has Kido wonder if she's serious. Yusuke assures him he can back out. But Kido says he's in all the way to protect his city. The trio split up to cover more ground. Genkai suggests trying to narrow Doctor down with the help of a nurse. She also suggests screaming or blowing something up when they find Doctor to alert everyone else.

Kido begins down a hallway and comes across a nurse. As she panics, he reassures her that he is not a threat. He tells her she is looking for a man who is a dangerous threat from a criminal posing as a doctor. Dr. Kamiya comes into the room. Kido attempts to explain the situation to Dr. Kamiya, who seems eager to help. But when the nurse questions why he is here now when he doesn't work until the night shift, Kamiya, revealed to be the psychic Kido is hunting reacts quickly, using his Psychic Scalpel to sever all the nerves in Kido's spine. As Kido drops to the floor, the screaming nurse is silence with a broad slash from Doctor. Doctor slits Kido's wrist to kill him. Another nurse enters. Doctor, acting quickly, plays off that a madman ran out of the room. Yusuke hearing screams, heads that way. As Genkai is in the upper floors searching, she is amazed how far the territory extends.

Yusuke gets to the room to see Kido splayed out and the room covered in blood. He overhears staff talking about someone pretending to be a doctor and believes they are looking for someone who doesn't work at the hospital. Kido, knowing that Doctor is in the room tries to find a way to signal to Yusuke who Doctor is. Using his territory of Shadow, Kido first freezes Yusuke in place and then forces his own shadow to spell out a word in the blood. As he finishes "Ka-Mi-Ya," the other doctors look to Dr. Kamiya who quickly dispatches them all.

As Botan, Kurama, Kuwabara, and Kaito head back into town they notice the increase in insects. Kuwabara is still unable to see them, to the jealousy of Botan.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Relevant Techniques[]

Anime Notes[]


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